Our Mission

Sister to Sister empowers Jewish divorced women to create their next chapter
by providing a supportive network and community.

Discover the
Supportive Network

Sister to Sister is not just an organization; it’s a family. We are united by a common bond and a shared commitment to helping each other thrive. Through our local chapters, 1:1 support, and national events, we facilitate meaningful connections, encourage personal growth, and inspire women to reach their potential.

Since the founding of Sister to Sister, the organization has grown from servicing 50 women in Brooklyn to over 2,100 in 34 chapters and many other cities in the United States and Canada.

Our History

In 2006, Anne (Chani) Neuberger received a request from a friend one evening who was asking for a donation to help a single Jewish mother who was struggling to pay the bills for her most basic needs. Chani made a contribution, but wanted to help even more, so she started to do research to find the right place to refer the divorced mother.

She was surprised to learn that no such agency or organization existed, so she called a group of friends together to come up with a plan on how to help struggling Orthodox Jewish single mothers. She learned that divorce in the observant Jewish community was escalating, but there were no resources available especially geared to the divorced woman.

Chani’s vision was to create a sense of community for religious Jewish divorced women, so they should not feel isolated and struggle alone, and to give them all the resources, tools and guidance they need to be independent women and healthy, strong mothers for their children.

Impact Report

Our Team

x101 yehudis@sistertosisternetwork.org

x 102 bracha@sistertosisternetwork.org

x 106 meira@sistertosisternetwork.org

x 105 chaya@sistertosisternetwork.org

x 107 rifka@sistertosisternetwork.org

x 108 chaviva@sistertosisternetwork.org

x 104 penina@sistertosisternetwork.org

x 103 laya@sistertosisternetwork.org